Julia Dölling: "How do you sum up six months of work in just a few minutes?"
8/14/2024 Young talents Interview

Julia Dölling: "How do you sum up six months of work in just a few minutes?"

Julia Dölling won the EUROGUSS Talent Award in 2022 with her master's thesis on the flowability of aluminum-silicon die casting alloys. In this interview, she talks about her time as a candidate, the impact the award has had on her career, and why the foundry industry is actually a modern and versatile field of work.

Julia Dölling on stage at the EUROGUSS Talent Award 2022. Julia Dölling at the Talent Award 2022.

Let's take a quick step back to 2022: Where were you, and what was the topic of your master's thesis?

Julia Dölling: In 2022, I presented my master's thesis on the flowability o of aluminum-silicon die casting alloys at the Talent Award. I conducted this research during my studies in aerospace engineering at the University of Stuttgart while working with AUDI AG in Neckarsulm. At that time, I was a research assistant at the Center for High-Performance Materials at DHBW Stuttgart and a PhD candidate at the Institute for Metal Forming at TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

How did you find out about the Talent Award?

Dölling: Unfortunately, the Talent Award doesn’t yet have the visibility it deserves. I didn't have much contact with EUROGUSS before my thesis either. My supervisor at the time, who had participated in the Talent Award in 2020, brought it to my attention.

Are there any moments from that time that particularly stand out for you?

Dölling: The preparation phases and the first online pitch are especially memorable for me. I mean, how do you sum up six months of work in just a few minutes? It was a real challenge, but it also taught me a lot for future professional and personal conversations. Additionally, there were over 20 participants, each with three minutes – it was an exciting insight into current research topics.

How did you prepare?

Dölling: The Talent Award final at EUROGUSS was my first English-language presentation in front of an international audience. I had a lot of respect for the big stage and completely underestimated the noise level of the exhibition. For preparation, I practiced the first and last sentences of my presentation frequently to ensure I could start and finish confidently. A creative and unique introduction helped me capture the audience's attention – a trick I've kept using to this day.

The participants and jury of the EUROGUSS Talent Award 2022. Julia Dölling (first row, fourth from left).
What impact has participating in the Talent Award had on your personal and professional development?

Dölling: The participation definitely had a big impact. I'm still closely connected to the industry and have met many great people. The network within the die casting industry is strong, and the Talent Award is a great opportunity to make connections. My PhD in the field of high-strength copper alloys was already planned at the time of the Talent Award, but the ongoing connections with the die casting industry also led me to my current job. I can only recommend taking part.
And that brings us back to the present. Where are you today?

Dölling: Today, I work as a researcher at the Institute of Vehicle Concepts of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in the department of Materials and Processes Applications for Complete Vehicles. I appreciate the high level of application relevance and can leverage many synergies from the die-casting industry in forward-looking research topics.

What excites you about the foundry industry?

Dölling: Materials and their manufacturing processes are the foundation for producing a wide range of products. The series production of metallic components has a significant impact on technological feasibility, performance, manufacturing costs, and sustainability.

The foundry industry is incredibly interdisciplinary. It involves everything from simulation, design, materials science, and manufacturing technology to digitization, AI, and automation. Although the industry is often associated with oily and smoky images, there is actually a great deal of engineering skill involved, which is rarely visible at first glance.

Do you have any advice for young talents or companies looking to recruit new talent?

Dölling: Don’t be deterred and just give it a try. The foundry industry offers so many opportunities for personal development. On the other hand, companies can actively seek direct contact and showcase the industry's versatility.

It's important to inspire young people to pursue technical careers early on and show them how much freedom and influence they can have in these fields – especially with current trending topics like sustainability. There is so much potential for technical talent – once you get a taste, you're sure to be fascinated.
Danny Rhode on stage at the EUROGUSS Talent Award 2024.

EUROGUSS Talent Award 2024

At EUROGUSS Talent Award Bachelor's and Master's theses that relate to an innovation, improvement or new applications in die casting along with its entire value chain will be honored. Read the article on the EUROGUSS Talent Award 2024 on EUROGUSS 365.

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