Marketing services of EUROGUSS 365
Facts & Figures

Would you like more visibility?
Do you want to share your event invitation, a new product or your company anniversary with the die casting industry? We create visibility in the EUROGUSS 365 newsletter!
Take a look at a sample newsletter.
Text Image Ad:
Place an advertisment in the EUROGUSS 365 Newsletter (image and text). You can also determine the position of your ad!
Animated display bannner:
Do you prefer a real eye-catcher? We will publish your animated banner-ad in the EUROUGUSS 365 newsletter

Professional Positioning!
Present your expertice and services. On request, we can take over the editorial service (content service) for you!
Sponsored article/video:
Choose to publish an article or a video on EUROGUSS 365 - with additional publication in the newsletter!
Take a look at an example article.
Position your company for the long term within the fitting process step on our discovery page
Take a look at an example of your placement.

Interact with our Community!
Would you like to network with other expert from the industry, exchange ideas or drive excitiing discussions on industry topics?
EUROGUSS LinkedIn events:
Use our LinkedIn profile for your digital event! The event will be broadcast live on LinkedIn and thus reach exactly your target audience!
Sponsored LinkedIn post:
With a post on LinkedIn or Instagram, you create digital interaction thta goes behind emoji reactions!

Increase your reach!
As a multi-channel platform, we bring your message to the industry! We publish your content across all our online channels.
Multi-channel sponsored article:
Reach across multiple channels: Your article will appear on the EUROGUSS 365 website, in the EUROGUSS 365 newsletter, in our LinkedIn newsletter and as a post on LinkedIn. At an extra charge, leads included!
Stand-alone newsletter
Got a lot to say? Inform our community with your stand-alone newsletter about topics that move you.
Take a look at a sample newsletter.
Career service
Looking for new talent or experienced specialists? We connect you with the right candidates through our 365 Job Map!
> Visibility on the Job Map 365 via a pin
> Regulary mailing of lists of qualified talents
> Arrangement of coffee-talks with suitable candidates
Become a EUROGUSS 365 Premium-Partner!
Use our exclusive service package to expand your communication channels
> Your logo on the EUROGUSS 365 homepage
> Your logo and company name in every EUROGUSS 365 newsletter
> Two ads (image and text) in the newsletter of your choice
> Multi-Channel publication of your mangement-statement or interviews
> Premium pin with job advert on our 365 Job Map and fitting candidates