Your contacts of EUROGUSS
Do you still have questions? Here you will find the right contact persons.
For exhibitors

EUROGUSS Exhibition team and Executive Director Exhibitions Christopher Boss
Theresa Spangler, Mario Bethge, Franziska Gumbrecht, Susanne Hillitzer, Christopher Boss
The EUROGUSS exhibition team will be happy to help you with any questions you may have about participating in the trade fair.
Send email +49 9 11 86 06-89 87
Exhibitor Services team
Our team will support you in planning your trade fair appearance and answer all your questions about the online ExhibitorShop in the exhibitor area and your trade fair appearance. Feel free to contact us!
Send email +49 9 11 86 06 88 55
Your online editorial team
You would like to know how you can present your company and your products optimally in the exhibitor and product directory? Our online editorial team will be happy to help you with this.
NürnbergMesse GmbH
Online-Redaktion für Aussteller
90471 Nürnberg
Please note:
Our service partner (Sutter Dialog GmbH & Co. KG) supports us in processing inquiries, accepting them and responding accordingly. Further information on data protection, in particular on exercising your rights as a data subject and on how to contact us, can be found at: www.nuernbergmesse.de/en/dataprotection
For visitors

Carl Veldman and team
Regardless of whether it's tickets, registration, services at the trade fair center or the trade fair program: Are you planning your visit to the trade fair and still have questions? The VisitorService team will be happy to help you.
Send email +49 9 11 86 06 96 96For media representatives

Christina Freund
Would you like editorial information on EUROGUSS or may we support you with your reporting? We are happy to help you and look forward to your enquiry.
Send email +49 9 11 86 06 83 55